Nikolaj Hübbe & Silja Schandorff:
"Swan Lake"
Royal Danish Ballet
March 31 - April 1 2015
The RDB “Swan Lake” sets new standards for what we can expect of our fine female corps de ballet. It is simply breathtaking to watch the flow, the musicality and the precision of the corps. They dance as one body. You do not even notice the individual dancers.
It therefore seems strange that none of the five casts as Odette/Odile seen so far scores the perfect ten. All of the casts comes to the role with a good resume from dancing leading roles in classical and neo classical ballet. Yet the role eludes them. Part of the reason is probably that it also eludes the directors.
The changes made to the plot, although they strengthen the performance in others areas, weakens the relationship between Siegfried and Odette. The conversation and explanations falters and the relationship are tapped for meaning.